Rural Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities

Last updated by Editorial team at on Thursday, 5 September 2024
rural entrepreneurs face opportunities and obstacles

Rural entrepreneurship, while often celebrated for its potential, presents a distinct array of challenges. However, it also offers a set of unique advantages that can make rural small businesses more profitable compared to their urban and suburban counterparts. The distinct dynamics of rural areas create both obstacles and opportunities that shape the landscape of entrepreneurship in these regions.

The Entrepreneurial Advantages of a Rural Environment

Rural businesses often operate with higher profitability margins compared to those situated in urban areas. According to a comprehensive meta-analysis conducted by SCORE, a nonprofit organization dedicated to mentoring America’s small businesses, rural businesses tend to have profitability margins of about 56 percent, in contrast to the 53 percent margin typically seen in urban businesses. This disparity in profitability indicates that rural entrepreneurs often retain a larger portion of their revenue, which translates into a better quality of life for themselves and their families.

The advent of remote work and the rapid advancement of technology have transformed the entrepreneurial landscape, particularly for those residing in rural areas. In the past, individuals who aspired to build successful and scalable businesses often felt compelled to relocate to major metropolitan areas, where opportunities seemed more abundant. However, this is no longer a necessity. The rise of digital tools and platforms has made it possible for entrepreneurs to remain in their rural hometowns while still accessing broader markets and resources that were once geographically out of reach.

One of the most significant advantages of operating in a rural environment is the lower cost of doing business. Rural areas generally offer more affordable rent, utilities, and other operational expenses compared to urban settings. Additionally, the cost of living in rural areas is typically lower, which can be a substantial benefit for entrepreneurs looking to stretch their budgets further. These financial advantages make rural entrepreneurship an attractive option for those who value a higher quality of life while pursuing their business goals.

The Entrepreneurial Challenges of a Rural Environment

Despite the numerous advantages, rural entrepreneurs continue to grapple with significant challenges that can hinder their business growth and sustainability. These challenges primarily fall into three critical areas: access to capital, access to labor, and access to connectivity.

1. Access to Capital

Access to capital remains one of the most pressing challenges for rural businesses. Cash flow issues are particularly pronounced in these areas, as highlighted by SCORE’s Megaphone of Main Street data report. Rural entrepreneurs often find themselves facing higher costs associated with running their businesses, including expenses related to rent, utilities, and transportation. Furthermore, financing expenses such as interest rates and borrowing costs tend to be higher for rural entrepreneurs, adding an additional layer of difficulty when it comes to securing the necessary capital to start or expand a business.

The scarcity of local bank branches in rural areas exacerbates this issue. With fewer financial institutions available, rural entrepreneurs have limited options when seeking loans or lines of credit. This lack of access to traditional financing sources can be a significant barrier to business growth, forcing many rural entrepreneurs to rely on personal savings or alternative, often more expensive, sources of funding.

2. Access to Labor

The availability of skilled labor is another challenge that rural entrepreneurs must contend with. Rural areas typically have a narrower range of industries compared to their urban counterparts, which limits the economic opportunities available to workers. This lack of business diversity can make it difficult for rural entrepreneurs to attract and retain qualified employees, particularly in specialized fields.

Population decline in rural America further compounds this issue. According to SCORE, 45.3 percent of rural entrepreneurs report that population trends have a direct impact on their businesses, compared to 25.5 percent of non-rural entrepreneurs. A significant percentage of rural entrepreneurs (35.9 percent) also indicate that there are few qualified workers available in their area. This shortage of talent can stymie business growth and innovation, as entrepreneurs struggle to find the right employees to help their businesses thrive.

Profitability Margins of Rural vs. Urban Businesses


3. Access to Connectivity

In today’s digital age, access to high-speed internet is crucial for the success of any business, yet it remains a significant challenge for many rural entrepreneurs. Although telecommunication companies have made strides in improving broadband access in rural communities, a considerable technology gap persists between rural and non-rural businesses.

According to SCORE’s data, rural entrepreneurs are twice as likely as their non-rural counterparts to cite broadband or high-speed internet access as a significant technology challenge. Approximately 19.2 percent of rural entrepreneurs report difficulties related to internet connectivity, compared to 9 percent of non-rural entrepreneurs. This disparity can have far-reaching implications for rural businesses, affecting everything from daily operations to long-term growth potential.

Limited access to reliable, high-speed internet can hinder rural businesses in several ways. For instance, without stable connectivity, it becomes challenging to implement digital marketing strategies, manage online sales platforms, or even communicate effectively with customers and suppliers. Moreover, businesses that rely on cloud-based services or remote work capabilities may find it difficult to compete with their urban counterparts, who typically have access to faster and more reliable internet services.

Support and Resources for Rural Entrepreneurs

To help rural entrepreneurs navigate these challenges, organizations like SCORE offer invaluable resources and support. SCORE, which has been mentoring America’s small businesses since 1964, provides free mentoring services, educational resources, and customized tools designed to address the specific needs of rural business owners. These resources are available online and on-demand through SCORE’s hub for Rural Entrepreneurs.

Don Frazer, a SCORE mentor based in Des Moines, emphasizes the importance of having a well-organized plan for success in today’s competitive business environment. "In today's competitive world, you need to have an organized plan for success. SCORE volunteer mentors are willing and able to provide advice in a variety of areas," Frazer notes. He also highlights the value of leveraging local resources, advising rural entrepreneurs to "be involved in your community" as a way to build a support network and gain access to additional resources.

SCORE’s mentorship programs are designed to help rural entrepreneurs overcome the unique challenges they face, whether it’s accessing capital, finding qualified employees, or improving internet connectivity. For example, SCORE mentors can assist business owners in developing comprehensive business plans that address these challenges head-on. They can also provide guidance on how to tap into alternative financing options, such as crowdfunding or grants, and offer advice on how to attract and retain talent in areas with limited labor pools.

The rewards of operating a small business in a rural community can be substantial, but they do not come without their share of difficulties. Entrepreneurs like Jim Mansfield, co-owner of Four Hills Farm in Versailles, Kentucky, have experienced firsthand the challenges of running a business in a rural area. "When you're farming, which is a 24-7 job, there's a lot to keep track of, and we needed someone to help us with the numbers," Mansfield explains. "SCORE can help you a lot."

Whether a business is located in a rural, suburban, urban, or online setting, SCORE’s mentors are equipped to provide the guidance and support needed to achieve success. With a network of 10,000 volunteers across all 50 U.S. states and territories, SCORE has helped more than 17 million entrepreneurs start, grow, or successfully exit their businesses since its inception.

The Role of Small Businesses in the U.S. Economy

Small businesses are often referred to as the backbone of the American economy, and for good reason. These enterprises employ millions of Americans and play a crucial role in boosting the local economies of every state. The pursuit of small business ownership remains strong, with entrepreneurs from all walks of life turning to organizations like SCORE for assistance in navigating the complexities of running a business.

SCORE’s volunteer mentors come from diverse backgrounds and industries, bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. They understand the challenges that small business owners face, from the initial stages of starting a business to the ongoing efforts required to sustain and grow it. By partnering with entrepreneurs on a one-on-one basis, SCORE mentors provide tailored advice and consulting services that address the specific needs and goals of each business owner.

In 2023 alone, SCORE’s efforts resulted in the launch of 31,167 new businesses and the creation of 152,115 new jobs, including 120,948 non-owner jobs. These impressive figures underscore the impact that SCORE’s volunteers have on the success of small businesses across the country. The dedication of SCORE’s 10,000 volunteers, who collectively donated 4.5 million hours of their time, is a testament to the organization’s commitment to supporting the entrepreneurial spirit.

SCORE operates on the belief that anyone can successfully start and grow a business with the right support. Whether an entrepreneur is just beginning their journey or has been in business for decades, SCORE offers the guidance and resources necessary to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and achieve long-term success.

The Impact of SCORE on Rural Entrepreneurship

The impact of SCORE on rural entrepreneurship cannot be overstated. By providing free mentoring services, educational resources, and access to a vast network of experienced business professionals, SCORE plays a pivotal role in helping rural entrepreneurs overcome the barriers they face. The organization’s focus on rural communities ensures that these entrepreneurs have the tools and support they need to build successful businesses that contribute to the vitality of their local economies.

SCORE’s cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) further enhances its ability to support rural entrepreneurs. The SBA, an independent agency of the U.S. government, provides additional resources and funding to help entrepreneurs and small businesses thrive. This partnership allows SCORE to extend its reach and provide even more comprehensive support to rural business owners.

For rural entrepreneurs, the combination of SCORE’s mentorship and the SBA’s resources can be a game-changer. With access to expert advice, tailored business strategies, and financial assistance, rural entrepreneurs are better equipped to navigate the challenges of running a business in a rural environment. This support not only helps individual businesses succeed but also contributes to the overall economic health and sustainability of rural communities across the country.

In conclusion, while rural entrepreneurship presents a unique set of challenges, it also offers significant opportunities for those who are willing to embrace the journey. Organizations like SCORE play a critical role in supporting rural entrepreneurs, providing them with the guidance, resources, and mentorship needed to overcome obstacles and achieve success. As rural communities continue to evolve and adapt to the changing economic landscape, the support of organizations like SCORE will remain essential in helping rural entrepreneurs thrive.